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Lamezanstraße 10, 1230 Wien
+43 1 61062 151


TRAC, standing for TRACE Registered Access Code, is an online platform that enables the rapid exchange of baseline due-diligence information. By using TRAC, companies and suppliers are reducing the burden of compliance efforts, while ensuring transparency throughout their businesses.

The TRAC system searches government watchlists daily and sends alert emails to connected parties should a TRAC holder be identified on a government watchlist. It will also send an automatic alert to any connections if any information in a TRAC holder’s online profile changes.

Companies, partnerships, charities, and individuals are eligible to receive a TRAC number and to share their information with whomever they may designate, but only with the express permission of the TRAC holder.

To obtain a TRAC, an Authorized Representative, chosen by the company, fills out a short form on ownership, answers a series of compliance questions, and uploads the identification documents required for their entity type. This information is then processed by TRACE analysts, and typically within one business day a unique, 12 digit TRAC number is issued. Only the Authorized Representative remains in control of managing the information within a TRAC profile.

Our nubmer is: 5-15-483-2177-27

For further information please contact our management or take a look on the following website